Firearm Blog - Anarchy Outdoors Nation
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Anarchy Outdoors Nation
The Official Information Database for Anarchy Outdoors

Alright muzzleloader crew, listen up. This post is going to break the mold somewhat. There are some muzzleloader accessories you need in your possibles bag. You know; jags, patches, oil and grease, and so on and so forth. Most of these are traditional accessories and......

Muzzleloaders have come a long way since the sidelocks of yesteryear. Heck, most muzzleloader hunters aren’t even shooting actual black powder anymore. They’re using substitutes, muzzleloader speed loaders, and advanced in-line ignition systems that are faster and more reliable than traditional muzzleloader technology. Muzzleloader projectiles......

Hunting with a muzzleloader, shall we say, presents some unique challenges that other firearms hunters just don’t have to deal with. Bright muzzle plumes, slower reload times, and limited ranges are just a few of these. In some ways, to hunt effectively with a muzzleloader......

The Glock 20 may not be as popular as the G19, but it still has a loyal following. And, with that said, there are applications for the G20 where the G19 just doesn’t make the grade. For instance, just consider stopping power. The 9mm Luger......

The use case for a rifle bipod is nearly self explanatory. It is much easier for most shooters to place accurate shots when shooting from a bench as compared to shooting prone. When you’re in the field, you don’t have a bench. The best you......

Here in Utah, we’re working with relatively new regulations that require muzzleloader hunters to hunt using a fixed, one-power scope or red dot sight – if not over peep sights or iron sights. This produces a whole range of new challenges. No longer can muzzleloader......

You’ve heard of Peak Refuel Meals, but MREs are expensive, so you might be wondering if they’re worth it. A reasonable concern. But here are some of the top questions about these MREs, answered, which may help to put your mind at ease. 1. How......

When it comes to budget rifles that perform, Ruger’s American Rifle is often listed as a go-to. Available in popular chamberings like .243 Win, .308 Win, .30-06 Springfield and 6.5 Creedmoor, they are practical, affordable, and reliable. The original Ruger American Rifle has been lauded......

The Remington 700 is one of the most popular rifles ever produced. More than 5 million have been made, and it enjoys wide sporting use among civilians, for hunting, competition, and target shooting. Its position as one of the most successful rifles of all time......

Whether your sport is hiking, hunting, or camping, you have your choice about what food to carry in the backcountry. It’s an important choice to make, too, as it will determine your energy levels and comfort while you’re away from the amenities of home. Two......

Among the most practical rifle accessories we sell here are Strike Without Warning tuner muzzle brakes. But what are these muzzle devices and why does it make a difference? Why not just get a plain old muzzle brake if you’re concerned about recoil and muzzle......

You know, as a rifle shooter (even if you are slinging a front-stuffer) you are not limited by what came from the factory. You can change the barrel, add a muzzle device (like a muzzleloader muzzle brake that will cut felt recoil and disperse the......

The holiday season is fast approaching, and if you have an outdoorsman (or woman) in your life, this gift-giving guide should make picking up a few gifts (or stocking stuffers) extra easy. So, with no further ado… Peak Refuel Meals Peak Refuel meals are just......

TriggerTech Triggers are among the most advanced triggers in the modern market. Though they’re expensive, they almost universally represent a substantial upgrade over stock, factory triggers. Here’s what they offer. What Makes TriggerTech Triggers Better: The Tech in TriggerTech TriggerTech Triggers are defined by numerous......

Made in America, by Americans, for Americans (and for shooters anywhere that appreciate precision engineering and next-generation functionality) Grayboe stocks are changing the game for stock upgrades. All Grayboe stocks are made of a solid, homogeneous fiberglass epoxy matrix. It is lightweight yet impressively strong......

Our rifles are full of locking lugs and threaded fasteners. From the scope rings to the action screws, there’s a whole lot of hardware that holds it all together. And, interestingly, just like breathing discipline, how hard you grip the rifle, and how hot the......

Going from shooting a breech-loader to a muzzleloader is like having a bucketful of ice water dumped over you while you’re enjoying a pleasant dream: it’s a rude awakening. And the scariest part is, shooting a modern in-line muzzleloader is almost as different from shooting......

Looking for big and tall tactical pants? We carry UF Pro Striker HT Combat Pants, the last tactical pants you’ll ever need, regardless of your height and waist size. The Best Big and Tall Tactical Pants in the Industry: What They Offer Our UH Pro......

The entire point of stocking your possibles bag is so that you can be ready for anything in the field – if it could possibly happen. As a result, there are some of us who keep things in our possibles bags that, shall we say,......