19 Jul Ruger Precision Rifle Build and Customization
The Ruger Precision Rifle was first introduced to me in an email from my brother who was deployed overseas at the time in June of 2015. He is also to blame for my interests in long range precision shooting and PRS style competition. But, he is not the sole culprit. He was the spark, but the guys from the Compound are to blame for fanning that spark into a flame. I would like to give a shout out to Austin for helping me get started along with Chris, Dan and many others.
As all newcomers, to any hobby the upfront cost is rather large. As I was contemplating how to get started, my longtime friend (and business partner) Kurt Hansen called me and Anarchy Outdoors was born. The business is growing thanks to all of your support.
Now on to the RPR. First off why would we upgrade the Ruger Precision, well it needed a few improvements. Over the last 10 months we have slowly stripped the gun down and replaced the bolt shroud, bolt knob, hand guard, grip, and added a few other key pieces. The total cost of the upgrades were around $720.
The bolt knob that comes stock on the RPR, in my opinion, is too small for my hands (which are not that big, by the way). I found it really hard to run the bolt and kept missing the knob. I replaced it with the Titanium fluted knob made by Titanium Gun Parts. This knob is 1.5 inches long and is a better fit for me. I choose the fluted version over the grenade because I do not have massive hands like me buddy William.
Bolt Shroud
The plastic bolt shroud is an utter joke. I am not sure what Ruger was thinking but replacing it has become the number 1 upgraded part. I purchased a LSRU custom bolt shroud from LRI before my RPR arrived and was disappointed with it after using it for 40 rounds. I soon replaced it with a Titanium Guns Parts solid titanium bolt shroud. I chose go with the titanium shroud because it adds weight to to bolt over the aluminum shroud makes the bolt run smoother. I took it one step further and had my bolt and chamber micro slicked. The semi rough bolt throw on the RPR is now history on my gun.
Solved a small annoyance with the safety blade in the trigger. I like the solid surface.
The RPR was built as an entry level precision gun but has a 45 degree angled AR-15 grip. For a precision match gun, I was instructed that a more vertical grip is better than a 45 degree one. I selected the Deluxe Tactical grip from Ergo. It has a more vertical angle and a super textured surface for a sure grip. It is also wider for those with bigger hands.
Muzzle Break
I have used three different breaks on my gun and have settle on the Mad Scientist by Patriot Valley Arms, it is a great break. You need to try it to believe it.
Bravo Company Key Mod Grips
I didn’t like holding my rifle one handed by the hand guard and feeling like I could drop it. I threw on some Key Mod grips by Bravo Company and now I have a sure grip. Also, I hoped they would provide some protection to the finish when shooting off barricades or opening, which they did perfectly.
Seekins Precision Hand Guard
The stock Samson hand guard earned my hatred from day one. I am OCD about things lining up, being centered and level, etc. The fact that I could never center the barrel inside of my hand guard drove me crazy every time I looked at it. While shooting prone of a bipod the Samson hand guard flexed as I loaded the bi-pod and proved to be an unreliable. I chose to go with the Seekins SP3R Ruger Rail System. The flat bottom is what drew me to the rail. It took some time for me to change out the rail. I had to save up the dough but man I wish I would have done it sooner. I am now a Seekins Fan boy.
Custom Cerakote
My boy, Evert, over at Kickback Coating is the wiz behind the paint gun madness. He coated my gun in Kryptec Typhoon with the following custom colors: crushed silver, tactical grey, sniper grey, cobalt, and a custom red I call unicorn blood that we created on the fly. The pictures are good but one most see it in people to really understand the quality of the Cerakote job. They also micro slicked the bolt and the chamber at the same time and it make a difference. I would recommend the micro slicking at least the bolt but if you can do the chamber as well.
Our RPR pet project has turned a great factory gun into a awesome one of a kind RPR. The greatest part about this gun is you can make it your own through after market mods.
If you have any questions please let us know and thanks for reading.
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