19 Jul Anarchy Outdoors is on the Move!
Anarchy Outdoors is on the Move!
July was a great month. We were able to celebrate the 4th of July and we were able to move into our warehouse! This is great news for all of our loyal customers! We also completed our Ruger Precision Rifle upgrade project and have details to share. This including an Athlon Cronus scope review and a factory ammo ladder test.
Anarchy Outdoors Warehouse
Due to the incredible growth that we have seen, we have been able to move into a warehouse. What does this mean for you, as one of our customers? Well, first off, it means that we will be able to keep our most popular items in stock and increase the stock of the more valuable items. This means you will be able to get your gun parts with greater ease.
With the addition of a warehouse to keep our stock, we will be able to prepare and ship each order at a much faster rate. We understand that once an item is purchased, it should be out the door and headed to your door.
We are excited to continue to serve you with excellent customer sercice and strive to meet your expectations for quality products at a great price! Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates, includes featured products and events!
-The Anarachy Outdoors Team
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